About The Artist & Products
The Artist
I am based in Dorset and take inspiration predominantly from the natural world and coastal scenes around me. Most of my art (but by no means all of it) is inspired by Dorset and Devon. Animals, predominantly birds, dogs and lambs, feature strongly in my art.
After many years of doing different jobs I have finally made the move into trying to make a living from art. I hope I am able to succeed as art is my passion. Whenever I am exploring the world around me I am constantly looking for potential paintings to paint and inspiration to explore.
I am slowly working on a series of paintings called "36 Views Of Lyme" which will consist of 36 paintings of the Dorset coastal town of Lyme Regis. The series was inspired by the Japanese artist Hokusai and his series of prints Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji. That is probably where the similarities end. I just thought 36 views was a suitable target and that Lyme Regis easily has 36 scenes worth capturing on canvas. So far it has taken me 1/2 a decade to paint and I am only about 60% through the series. There are always so many other things for me to paint that the series is progressing very slowly.
Over time I will be adding more of my back catalogue to the site, as well as finding time to create new artworks and products based on them.
Nick Dale
The Products
I use Teemill to fulfil my printing and shipping requirements as I believe they are a good fit in terms of high quality, sustainability and ethics. They produce organic products, are powered by renewable energy and use low impact non-toxic dyes amongst other initiatives. They also ship items in plant based packaging. As a circular fashion supply chain when old clothing is worn out it can be returned to them to be remade into new products.
For more information, please visit the following links:
Teemill: Circular Economy In Fashion | Sustainable Supplier (teemill.com)
Sustainable Review: Is Teemill sustainable and ethical? - Brand Sustainability Rating (sustainablereview.com)
Please note that printed items may appear slightly different in real life to how they appear on your screen due to the way different digital devices display pictures and the settings you are using.